Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Wisconsin: Another Ten Years of a Gerrymandered Legislature

 The Wisconsin Supreme Court, which is supposed to be non-partisan, sided with the Republican members of the state legislature in a ruling yesterday. The court decided, on a strict partisan vote, not to order the Republicans to work with their Democratic legislative colleagues to develop new and more fair legislative and congressional voting districts. 

In 2011, when the state had a Republican governor and Republican controlled legislature, the Republicans enlisted help from the likes of the Koch brothers to establish new districts throughout the state. The methods used were so devious that the maps were drawn behind closed doors. They effectively ensured that the Republicans would win enough seats in the senate and the assembly to hold a voting majority and leadership in both houses. The maps are so well gerrymandered that Republicans can do whatever they want in the legislature with no fear of losing control of either house. The only check on their power has been that wielded by Democratic Governor Tony Evers since his election in 2018. But even his ability to check the Republican empire was limited by laws rammed through the legislature and signed by the outgoing Republican governor in late 2018.

Due to the court's ruling yesterday it appears that the state will continue to be under the thumb of legislators who govern with no fear of losing their seats. This is the opposite of what the phrase, "We the people", is supposed to stand for. While the Republican party wraps itself in the American flag and blabbers on about "true patriots", they trample the right of citizens to have a fair voice in who leads the state of Wisconsin.

The Dairy State was once known as a progressive state and the Wisconsin Idea was something that was emulated by other states. Now the state ranks mid-pack in areas such as the economy, infrastructure and crime and corrections according to a US News and World Report study. It also ranks behind neighboring Minnesota in the overall rankings. It should be noted that these rankings have improved since Evers became governor. 

It will be an interesting year as the Republicans will do all they can to regain the governor's office in the 2022 election and have absolute power once again. After yesterday's court decision we know for sure that they will continue to control the legislature. 

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