Friday, December 3, 2021

Into December

The calendar has turned over to December and there is still no measurable snow in northeast Wisconsin. Today there have been a few flurries but with the temperature hovering several degrees above freezing there is no chance for any accumulation. Looking into the forecast for the next seven to ten days indicates that we will be near mid-December before there is a chance of any real snow in the area.

I was holding off on putting my BMW R 1250 GSA away for the winter, but finally did so a couple of days ago. It always feels like a bigger deal than it really is. After I take the big BMW aluminum panniers off I put the correct amount of Sta Bil in the tank. Then I run the motor for five minutes as the product directs.  Next I wheel it into the back corner of the garage and hoist it up on the center stand. Once the charger is hooked up and the cover put on, the job is complete. So it's more of a psychological event than a a physical one. In reality I could have the bike out next week again without a lot of effort.

October 2021

But psychologically I am facing three or four months without riding and finding other things to look forward to each day. The lack of snow and ice allows me to get out and walk, but a few nice snowfalls would give me the opportunity to get my Trek Farley 5 fat bike out on the trails. It that doesn't happen, it will be a pretty dreary winter. 

January 2021

The library has been a good source of entertainment lately. I have found some good books, both fiction and nonfiction, that have helped ease the extra hours of darkness. The weeks before Christmas are always pretty busy too, so I won't miss the snow as much this month. But come January 1st I will be looking for some snow and beautifully groomed snow bike trails.

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